We’ve been successful with our application for a 2021 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant for our Outdoor Learning Classroom and Garden and an extra bee bonus funding to build on established native bee hive area.
Jinibara State School is one of 1,609 primary schools and early learning centres throughout Australia receiving a Woolworths Junior Landcare grant to help grow our next generation of environmental champions.
The grants are being funded with a 10c contribution from each sale of the Woolworths Bag for Good at full price, which was launched in 2018 when Woolworths went single-use plastic bag free.
The children and teachers are looking forward to working and learning from this project and we’ll keep you updated on the results.
For more information you can visit the following site. https://juniorlandcare.org.au/woolworthsgrants/map/index.php/grant-round-3/outdoor-learning-classroom/
The vege garden is growing well
The new garden bed.

The Scarecrow