Welcome to Prep at Jinibara State School
Our Prep 2025 program is currently in progress. Please see below for information about our Open Days and Transition Information.
As the first formal year of schooling, the Preparatory Year at Jinibara State School is focused on children’s development through play-based learning experiences. Programs are delivered by qualified Early Childhood Education teachers and are designed to provide the foundation for your child’s success at school by developing:
a positive approach to learning
independence and confidence
thinking and problem-solving skills
language skills
early literacy and numeracy
physical abilities, including gross and fine motor skills.
During the early phase of learning, children attain the foundations of language and early literacy, early numeracy, sense of self, skills for interacting with and relating to others, as well as knowledge of their world, through shared family and community experiences. Students enter school as capable, competent learners with diverse knowledge, skills and experiences. Our Jinibara professional learning community continually strives to provide a safe, caring and stimulating environment which focuses on the development of each child, promoting the independence necessary to enable them to confidently meet the challenges of the future.
How to enrol
Please contact the school for all enrolment enquiries and to request an enrolment form.